After a lot of struggle over the last couple of month we were not able to get enough traction with ticket sales and sponsoring engagements to make So Coded 2016 become a reality.
If you have already purchased a ticket, please check your inbox for a separate mail that outlines our refund process. If there are any questions, please never hesitate to send us a mail!
2013 and 2015 So Coded has been a very different conference/festival for everyone who is interested in tinkering on the web and in software development as a whole. We think it is important to have places like So Coded. Places where you can meet like minded people in a setting that doesn't boast a narrow agenda but deliberately showcases a very broad range of topics, instead. Unfortunately this blurry program makes it hard to sell our value to businesses and sponsors and therefore gives us organizers a hard time looking for funding. This is especially true for independent events like So Coded which are not backed by any corporation but merely the idea of some friends who wanted to give back to the European, German and Hamburg community :)
Doing a lot of what made So Coded great ourselves was a core strength of the team. No matter if hand sewing 150 cushions in 2013 or screen printing and skipping expensive catering in favor of a family BBQ in the church garden, last year. We managed to operate on an extremely tight budget without sacrificing a unique and beautiful atmosphere for our guests and speakers all around the world. With a total budget of 60.000€ in 2015 we ran a ~10.000€ loss. This year we could only find 10.000€ of funding through ticket sales and sponsorship agreements, so far. Our team is confident that we would have managed to make another So Coded happen. At the same time the last editions wore everyone out a lot and getting everything together created great stress on the team as ticket sales never did reach a level that was sufficient. Preparing everything was an immense effort in itself, spending most of our time on marketing and "sales" did not exactly help to make the situation better.
This year we now realized that 2016 would be exactly the same. After an intense discussion we came to the conclusion that everyone is very exhausted and our hopes that this year we could benefit a lot more from word-of-mouth advertising and last year's reputation did not come true. All of this lead us to the conclusion that we better call off So Coded 2016 before everyone arranges their travel.
We are super sorry to disappoint you. We hope to see all of you at other events all around the world! If we can help with anything please never hesitate to send us a mail.
All what remains for us now is to say a last biiiiiiiig thank you to everyone who made So Coded great: You, our guests, our speakers, our incredible friends who helped and beared with us in times of great stress, every single pair of hands that helped us in 2013 and 2016, our technicians, caterers and all other service providers. So Coded would never have happened without you - Dankeschön!
<3 <3 <3
Julia, Ole, Sebastian & Thorben